Roadway Weather Information Station – Monson, ME.

Today Frazier Signal Technologies finished the third and final Roadway Weather Information Station (RWIS) in Monson Maine at the entrance to the 100 Mile Wilderness trail. The 100-mile wilderness trail is the northernmost section of the 2,179-mile-long Appalachian Trail running from Monson to the Abol Bridge at the base of Mount Katahdin.

The RWIS projects all involve roadwork which requires proper traffic planning, presentation, and communication so employees who work in the roadway can focus on their tasks while others focus on protecting the work area.

Implementing a lane closure (on a corner nevertheless) required three flaggers to control traffic flow, 42 traffic cones to create a 600ft taper, and a 150ft work zone which was supplemented by a 7,000lb RAM 3500 Tradesman protection barrier for employees. Work Zone Ahead, One Lane Road Ahead, and Flagger Ahead signs needed to be placed 1,500ft – 1,000ft and 500ft in advance of the site.

To work in the roadway you need to have comprehensive knowledge of traffic control procedures. It can be a time-consuming process however it is always time well spent. Thank you Lynn for explaining the layout so that we could do it right.